To aid conservation planning and decision-making, for example by understanding species’ representativeness and complementarity across conservation areas, we can combine species’ range estimates across multiple species groups to calculate community-level metrics of conservation interest that reflect different dimensions of biological diversity such as species richness, spatial and temporal turnover, endemism, and phylogenetic diversity. We provide an example below to calculate these metrics for a dataset of Colombian primates (Henao-Díaz et al. 2020) using the changeRangeR package. For information on single species range change metrics, see changeRangeR’s single-species vignette.

Biodiversity metrics

Using multiple species for landscape-level species metrics

Load packages that will be useful for these analyses

## Loading required package: sp
## The legacy packages maptools, rgdal, and rgeos, underpinning the sp package,
## which was just loaded, will retire in October 2023.
## Please refer to R-spatial evolution reports for details, especially
## It may be desirable to make the sf package available;
## package maintainers should consider adding sf to Suggests:.
## The sp package is now running under evolution status 2
##      (status 2 uses the sf package in place of rgdal)
## Loading required package: ape
## Attaching package: 'ape'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:raster':
##     rotate, zoom
## Loading required package: vegan
## Loading required package: permute
## Loading required package: lattice
## This is vegan 2.6-4
## Loading required package: nlme
## Attaching package: 'nlme'
## The following object is masked from 'package:raster':
##     getData
## Attaching package: 'phylobase'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ape':
##     edges
## Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.2, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:nlme':
##     collapse
## The following object is masked from 'package:ape':
##     where
## The following objects are masked from 'package:raster':
##     intersect, select, union
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## To get started with multiple species, see the demo with 
## vignette(package='changeRangeR')

Species Richness

Here we measure species richness as the number species predicted to be present in each pixel.

Load and manage spatial data

Loading the SDM data and ensuring the names match the phylogeny, and removing some resolved species. NOTE: For calculating species richness, named rasters are not strictly necessary.

Data are from: Henao-Díaz, F. et al. (2020). Atlas de la biodiversidad de Colombia. Primates. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá D. C., Colombia. 51 pp.

# Load binary maps/SDMs
primRas <- raster::stack(list.files(path = paste0(system.file(package="changeRangeR"), "/extdata/DemoData/SDM/colPrimates_binary"), pattern = "\\.tif$", full.names = T))
# Because of species' name resolutions in the phylogeny we use here, we need to rename some of the species in this rasterStack
names(primRas) <- gsub("*_veg", "", names(primRas))
# Drop models that are resolved into one group; Cebus_albifrons
primRas <- dropLayer(primRas, c("Cebus_versicolor", "Cebus_leucocephalus", "Cebus_malitiosus", "Cebus_albifrons"))
oldnames <- names(primRas)
namesToChange <- c("Cebus_all_albifrons", "Cheracebus_lugens", "Cheracebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagothricha", "Leontocebus_fuscus", "Plecturocebus_caquetensis", "Plecturocebus_discolor", "Plecturocebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_cassiquiarensis")
newNames <- c("Cebus_albifrons", "Callicebus_lugens", "Callicebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagotricha", "Leontocebus_fuscicollis", "Callicebus_caquetensis", "Callicebus_discolor", "Callicebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_sciureus")
oldnames[oldnames %in% namesToChange] <- newNames
names(primRas) <- oldnames

Calculate species richness by summing the raster values

SR <- sum(primRas, na.rm = T)

Phylogenetic diversity

Phylogenetic diversity can be calculated from binary range-maps, or as here, thresholded SDMs. We combine these maps with phylogenetic trees to calculate this measure of diversity. Here, we calculate phylogenetic diversity as the sum of branch lengths using Faith’s PD (Faith, 1992).

It is important to note that species-experts can edit binary SDMs, such as is done in the R package maskRangeR to add or remove areas.

Load and manage spatial data

Loading the SDM data and ensuring the names match the phylogeny

# Load binary maps/SDMs
primRas <- stack(list.files(path = paste0(system.file(package="changeRangeR"), "/extdata/DemoData/SDM/colPrimates_binary"), pattern = "\\.tif$", full.names = T))
# Because of species' name resolutions in the phylogeny we use here, we need to rename some of the species in this rasterStack
names(primRas) <- gsub("*_veg", "", names(primRas))
# Drop models that are resolved into one group; Cebus_albifrons
primRas <- dropLayer(primRas, c("Cebus_versicolor", "Cebus_leucocephalus", "Cebus_malitiosus", "Cebus_albifrons"))
oldnames <- names(primRas)
namesToChange <- c("Cebus_all_albifrons", "Cheracebus_lugens", "Cheracebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagothricha", "Leontocebus_fuscus", "Plecturocebus_caquetensis", "Plecturocebus_discolor", "Plecturocebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_cassiquiarensis")
newNames <- c("Cebus_albifrons", "Callicebus_lugens", "Callicebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagotricha", "Leontocebus_fuscicollis", "Callicebus_caquetensis", "Callicebus_discolor", "Callicebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_sciureus")
oldnames[oldnames %in% namesToChange] <- newNames
names(primRas) <- oldnames

To save time in this vignette, let’s crop down the primate rasters to a much smaller extent

e <- extent(c(-75, -70, 0, 2.5))
primRas <- crop(primRas, e)

Load phylogenetic tree

primTree <-"changeRangeR"), "/extdata/DemoData/phyloTree/output.nex"))

Convert NA values to 0

# set all cells that have NA values to 0
for (i in 1:nlayers(primRas)){
  primRas[[i]][[[i]])] <- 0

Convert the rasterStack to a data.frame

# convert raster to dataframe
commDat <-
# remove rows that are NA
commDat <- na.omit(commDat)
row.names(commDat) <- 1:nrow(commDat)

Calculate phylogenetic diversity, here using the 500th tree as an example

user_phylogeny <- primTree[1]$tree_6532
phydiv <- pd(samp = commDat, tree = user_phylogeny, include.root = TRUE)

Add the phylogenetic diversity pixel values to the community data data.frame

commDat$pd <- phydiv$PD

To create a raster of phylogenetic diversity, start with an empty raster. Add the primate raster values from the primRas rasterstack to get a single raster showing every pixel for which we have a PD value.

pd_ras <- sum(primRas, na.rm=T)
pd_ras[!] <- commDat$pd
pd_ras[pd_ras == 0] <- NA

Phylogenetic endemism

Phylogenetic endemism combines phylogenetic trees with spatial data. PE is calculated by dividing each branch length over the total number of locations where the species that descend from that branch are found (Rosauer et al., 2009).

Here, we can calculate PE from a function written by, and hosted by Dan Rosauer on Github

To begin, load and manage the spatial data to make sure the names match those in the phylogeny

# Load binary maps/SDMs
primRas <- stack(list.files(path = paste0(system.file(package="changeRangeR"), "/extdata/DemoData/SDM/colPrimates_binary"), pattern = "\\.tif$", full.names = T))
# Because of species' name resolutions in the phylogeny we use here, we need to rename some of the species in this rasterStack
names(primRas) <- gsub("*_veg", "", names(primRas))
# Drop models that are resolved into one group; Cebus_albifrons
primRas <- dropLayer(primRas, c("Cebus_versicolor", "Cebus_leucocephalus", "Cebus_malitiosus", "Cebus_albifrons"))
oldnames <- names(primRas)
namesToChange <- c("Cebus_all_albifrons", "Cheracebus_lugens", "Cheracebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagothricha", "Leontocebus_fuscus", "Plecturocebus_caquetensis", "Plecturocebus_discolor", "Plecturocebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_cassiquiarensis")
newNames <- c("Cebus_albifrons", "Callicebus_lugens", "Callicebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagotricha", "Leontocebus_fuscicollis", "Callicebus_caquetensis", "Callicebus_discolor", "Callicebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_sciureus")
oldnames[oldnames %in% namesToChange] <- newNames
names(primRas) <- oldnames

As before, let’s crop the rasters for processing speed.

e <- extent(c(-75, -70, 0, 2.5))
primRas <- crop(primRas, e)

Load in the phylogenetic trees

primTree <-"changeRangeR"), "/extdata/DemoData/phyloTree/output.nex"))

The function, provided, on github, by Dan Rosauer ( as defined in:

Rosauer, D.F., Blom, M.P.K., Bourke, G., Catalano, S., Donnellan, S., Gillespie, G., Mulder, E., Oliver, P.M., Potter, S., Pratt, R.C. and Rabosky, D.L., 2016. Phylogeography, hotspots and conservation priorities: an example from the Top End of Australia. Biological Conservation, 204, pp.83-93.

Prepare the raster data

## Convert the binary primate SDMs to a point data.frame, removing the X and Y data. 
Allxy <- rasterToPoints(primRas)
sites <-[,1:ncol(Allxy)])
## Change all NA values to 0
sites[] <- 0

Calculate PE

pEprimates <- calc_PE(phylo.tree = primTree[[1]], sites_x_tips = sites, presence = "presence")

Next, transform the pixel-wise PE values back into a raster

## cbind the pixel centroids with PE values and convert to a raster
PExyz <- cbind(Allxy[,1:2], pEprimates$PE)
PE.ras <- rasterFromXYZ(PExyz)
PE.ras[PE.ras == 0] <- NA

Species Endemism

Here, species endemism is defined as a value for each cell equal to the number of species found in that cell divided by the total number of cells in which they are found

Load and manage spatial data

# Load binary maps/SDMs
primRas <- stack(list.files(path = paste0(system.file(package="changeRangeR"), "/extdata/DemoData/SDM/colPrimates_binary"), pattern = "\\.tif$", full.names = T))
# Because of species' name resolutions in the phylogeny we use here, we need to rename some of the species in this rasterStack
names(primRas) <- gsub("*_veg", "", names(primRas))
# Drop models that are resolved into one group; Cebus_albifrons
primRas <- dropLayer(primRas, c("Cebus_versicolor", "Cebus_leucocephalus", "Cebus_malitiosus", "Cebus_albifrons"))
oldnames <- names(primRas)
namesToChange <- c("Cebus_all_albifrons", "Cheracebus_lugens", "Cheracebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagothricha", "Leontocebus_fuscus", "Plecturocebus_caquetensis", "Plecturocebus_discolor", "Plecturocebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_cassiquiarensis")
newNames <- c("Cebus_albifrons", "Callicebus_lugens", "Callicebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagotricha", "Leontocebus_fuscicollis", "Callicebus_caquetensis", "Callicebus_discolor", "Callicebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_sciureus")
oldnames[oldnames %in% namesToChange] <- newNames
names(primRas) <- oldnames

Again, let’s crop the rasters for processing speed.

e <- extent(c(-75, -70, 0, 2.5))
primRas <- crop(primRas, e)

Calculate species endemism

sp.End <- SpeciesEndemism(primRas)


It is often useful to spatially quantify biodiversity data to assess geographically where patterns exist. For example, to find or compare areas that contain more than 50% of species richness, thresholding a raster by a statistical value can be important.

Loading the SDM data and ensuring the names match the phylogeny

# Load binary maps/SDMs
primRas <- stack(list.files(path = paste0(system.file(package="changeRangeR"), "/extdata/DemoData/SDM/colPrimates_binary"), pattern = "\\.tif$", full.names = T))
# Because of species' name resolutions in the phylogeny we use here, we need to rename some of the species in this rasterStack
names(primRas) <- gsub("*_veg", "", names(primRas))
# Drop models that are resolved into one group; Cebus_albifrons
primRas <- dropLayer(primRas, c("Cebus_versicolor", "Cebus_leucocephalus", "Cebus_malitiosus", "Cebus_albifrons"))
oldnames <- names(primRas)
namesToChange <- c("Cebus_all_albifrons", "Cheracebus_lugens", "Cheracebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagothricha", "Leontocebus_fuscus", "Plecturocebus_caquetensis", "Plecturocebus_discolor", "Plecturocebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_cassiquiarensis")
newNames <- c("Cebus_albifrons", "Callicebus_lugens", "Callicebus_medemi", "Lagothrix_lagotricha", "Leontocebus_fuscicollis", "Callicebus_caquetensis", "Callicebus_discolor", "Callicebus_ornatus", "Saimiri_sciureus")
oldnames[oldnames %in% namesToChange] <- newNames
names(primRas) <- oldnames

Calculate species richness again and convert zeros to NA

SR <- sum(primRas, na.rm = T)
SR[SR == 0] <- NA

Calculate the raster value at the 50th percentile

thresholdValue <- quantile(SR, probs = 0.5)

Threshold the raster by the chosen value and plot

SR[SR < thresholdValue] <- NA

Users can then calculate the overlap of this new raster with a shapefile. For example, a user can find the proportion of 50% of species richness that is protected.

Load protected areas in Colombia and calculate the ratio of overlap

PAs <- st_read(paste0(system.file(package="changeRangeR"), "/extdata/DemoData/shapefiles"), "WDPA_COL_olinguito")
## Reading layer `WDPA_COL_olinguito' from data source 
##   `/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library/changeRangeR/extdata/DemoData/shapefiles' 
##   using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 659 features and 5 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -79.37066 ymin: 0.4579543 xmax: -74.1369 ymax: 8.717107
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# View the fields
## [1] "NAME"       "ORIG_NAME"  "DESIG"      "DESIG_ENG"  "DESIG_TYPE"
## [6] "geometry"
# Pick the field you are interested in
field <- "DESIG_ENG"
category <- "All"
ratio.Overlap <- ratioOverlap(r = SR, shp = PAs, field = field, category = category, subfield = FALSE)
## $maskedRange
## $maskedRange[[1]]
## class      : RasterLayer 
## dimensions : 3251, 2771, 9008521  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution : 0.00833, 0.00833  (x, y)
## extent     : -83.04165, -59.95922, -14.03918, 13.04165  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## crs        : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
## source     : memory
## names      : layer 
## values     : 5, 10  (min, max)
## $ratio
## [1] "Percentage of range within All is 0.676%"
## $correlation

Users can also find the amount of species richness is currently protected.

Calculate species richness again and convert zeros to NA

SR <- sum(primRas, na.rm = T)
SR[SR == 0] <- NA

Load protected areas in Colombia and calculate what percentage of species richness is currently protected.

PAs <- st_read(paste0(system.file(package="changeRangeR"), "/extdata/DemoData/shapefiles"), "WDPA_COL_olinguito")
## Reading layer `WDPA_COL_olinguito' from data source 
##   `/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library/changeRangeR/extdata/DemoData/shapefiles' 
##   using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 659 features and 5 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -79.37066 ymin: 0.4579543 xmax: -74.1369 ymax: 8.717107
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# View the fields
## [1] "NAME"       "ORIG_NAME"  "DESIG"      "DESIG_ENG"  "DESIG_TYPE"
## [6] "geometry"
# Pick the field you are interested in
field <- "DESIG_ENG"
category <- "All"
# Mask species richness by protected areas to find richness within protected areas
rmask <- mask(SR, PAs)
# Take a look
plot(PAs, add = T)

comp <- complementarity(ras1 = SR, ras1mask = rmask)
## $Percent_of_Total
## [1] 1.964951
## $Percent_unique_values
##    Var1 Freq.x Freq.y     percent
## 1     1 235159   8710 3.703876951
## 2     2 100331   5280 5.262580857
## 3     3  82448   8070 9.787987580
## 4     4  60662   5974 9.848010287
## 5     5  73223   2863 3.909973642
## 6     6  95872    280 0.292056075
## 7     7 165216     87 0.052658338
## 8     8 105035     12 0.011424763
## 9     9  17963      1 0.005566999
## 10   10  18657      4 0.021439674
## 11   11   5972      0 0.000000000
## 12   12    283      0 0.000000000