Authors and Citation
Bethany A. Johnson. Author.
Jamie M. Kass. Author.
Gonzalo E. Pinilla-Buitrago. Author.
Andrea Paz. Author.
Valentina Grisales-Betancur. Author.
Dean Attali. Author.
Matthew E. Aiello-Lammens. Author.
Cory Merow. Author.
Mary E. Blair. Author, maintainer.
Robert P. Anderson. Author.
Sarah I. Meenan. Contributor.
Olivier Broennimann. Contributor.
Peter J. Galante. Contributor.
Brian S. Maitner. Contributor.
Hannah L. Owens. Contributor.
Sara Varela. Contributor.
Bruno Vilela. Contributor.
Robert Muscarella. Contributor.
Kass, J.M., Pinilla-Buitrago, G.E., Paz, A., Johnson, B.A., Grisales-Betancur, V., Meenan, S.I., Attali, D., Broennimann, O., Galante, P.J., Maitner, B.S., Owens, H., Varela, S., Aiello-Lammens, Merow, C., M.E., Blair, M.E. & Anderson, R.P. (2023). wallace 2: a shiny app for modeling species niches and distributions redesigned to facilitate expansion via module contributions. Ecography, e06547. <>
@Article{, title = {wallace 2: a shiny app for modeling species niches and distributions redesigned to facilitate expansion via module contributions}, author = {{J. M. Kass} and {G. E. Pinilla-Buitrago} and {A. Paz} and {B. A. Johnson} and {V. Grisales-Betancur} and {S. I. Meenan} and {D. Attali} and {O. Broennimann} and {P. J. Galante} and {B. S. Maitner} and {H. L. Owens} and {S. Varela} and {M. E. Aiello-Lammens} and {C. Merow} and {M. E. Blair} and {R. P. Anderson}}, journal = {Ecography}, year = {2023}, volume = {2023(3)}, number = {e06547}, pages = {1-9}, url = {}, }