xfer_userExtent: user provided extent of transfer
This function generates an area of transfer according to a user provided polygon and buffer.
- bgShp_path
path to the user provided shapefile or csv with vertex coordinates.
- bgShp_name
name of the user provided shapefile or csv with vertex coordinates.
- userBgBuf
numeric. Buffer to be used in creating the background extent must be >= 0.
- logger
Stores all notification messages to be displayed in the Log Window of Wallace GUI. Insert the logger reactive list here for running in shiny, otherwise leave the default NULL.
- spN
data frame of cleaned occurrences obtained from component occs: Obtain occurrence data. Used to obtain species name for logger messages.
This function returns a SpatialPolygons object with the user provided shape (+ a buffer is userBgBuf >0).
This function is used in the transfer component. Here, the user provides either a shapefile or a csv with vertex coordinates with the desired shape for the extent of transfer, the user may include a buffer to the given polygon. The function returns a SpatialPolygons object of the desired extent (+ buffer).
Jamie Kass <jamie.m.kass@gmail.com>
Gonzalo E. Pinilla-Buitrago <gepinillab@gmail.com>
Andrea Paz <paz.andreita@gmail.com>
Bethany A. Johnson <bjohnso005@citymail.cuny.edu>
pathShp <- list.files(system.file("extdata/shp", package = "wallace"),
full.names = TRUE)
nameShp <- list.files(system.file("extdata/shp", package = "wallace"),
full.names = FALSE)
xferUser <- xfer_userExtent(bgShp_path = pathShp, bgShp_name = nameShp,
userBgBuf = 1)
#> Reading layer `Bassaricyon_neblina' from data source
#> `/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/wallace/extdata/shp/Bassaricyon_neblina.shp'
#> using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -79.47486 ymin: -1.15418 xmax: -74.50839 ymax: 6.83333
#> CRS: NA
#> Transferring extent user-defined polygon buffered by 1 degrees.